When women hit fifty other women assume you must be a grandma. NO, thank you very much, I am not a grandma yet and I'm quite fine with that. My sons have wonderful ladies in their lives and I'm sure they'll start their own families,eventually, for now, I am pleased as punch they're all getting their lives on the road they need to be on. They don't need children to complicate the path right now. A baby does change everything.
So, anyway, I get a little irritated when I meet up with women my age and one of the first things they start talking about is their grandchildren. I get even more irked when I'm told what joy I'm missing and how wonderful grandmotherhood is for them. I'm sure I'll enjoy my grandchildren, whenever they do arrive, but for now, I'm sure not concerned about it. I don't dream about it. I don't even think about it much. Actually, I don't think about it until I run into one of these grandmothers.