Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's OK, Really, I don't mind I'm not a grandma yet...

When women hit fifty other women assume you must be a grandma. NO, thank you very much, I am not a grandma yet and I'm quite fine with that. My sons have wonderful ladies in their lives and I'm sure they'll start their own families,eventually, for now, I am pleased as punch they're all getting their lives on the road they need to be on. They don't need children to complicate the path right now. A baby does change everything.

So, anyway, I get a little irritated when I meet up with women my age and one of the first things they start talking about is their grandchildren. I get even more irked when I'm told what joy I'm missing and how wonderful grandmotherhood is for them. I'm sure I'll enjoy my grandchildren, whenever they do arrive, but for now, I'm sure not concerned about it. I don't dream about it. I don't even think about it much. Actually, I don't think about it until I run into one of these grandmothers. 

My life will not revolve around my grandchildren just as my life didn't revolve around my sons when they were growing up. My sons and I were part of each others' lives but I found more joy in seeing them find their independence from their dad and I, with our guidance. Grandchildren will be a welcome addition but they will be a part of my life, not my life, after fifty.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Mad Hatters

Heard there's a group of "older" ladies wearing hats, going into stores and thieving from other women. Well, honestly, I'm not going to call them ladies. That's too nice. What's with you? The rest of us over 50 have enough problems without this kind of attention. Good grief. You're suppose to be invisible. Hats do not make you disappear!  OH, and while you're out there stealing from other women, just remember, one of these times you're going to steal from some woman who ain't gonna take it politely.

Do people not realize there are cameras EVERYWHERE these days? Just makes me shake my head in amazement when I hear stories like this. Big Brother is watching. Sometimes that's a bad thing but in situations like this I hope they get you lazy a#$%& women who are stealing from others! SHAME on you!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I am a proud American but I do not cheer this week

You would think a conservative, Don't Tread On Me type of American would rejoice at the recent demise of the man we've come to know as UBL. I didn't hear the news until Monday morning. Quite honestly, I was horrified at the cheering in our American streets. This is not a ball game. This is real life and as much as some people would like it to be, it is not the end of anything, except one man's life.

I agree, it had to be done. I was proud of the team who went in there. It was surely a tough job. Our military is the finest in the world. My issue was the circus in the streets that ensued after the announcement of UBL's death. I don't understand people anymore. Just proves once again, I have moved from the top of the hill and am moving down the other side. I see and feel things differently than I did even 10 years ago when our country changed on that fateful day that UBL was responsible for, among his other atrocities. Yes, we triumphed, for the moment, but I fail to see how chanting U-S-A is appropriate. I was personally uncomfortable. It didn't feel right to me. In the words of my daughter-in-law, it just felt weird seeing the jubilation in the streets of NYC and Washington over the death of someone, even someone as horrible and evil as UBL.